Fish Haven, Idaho
![Fish Haven Town Photo](images/fishhaven500.jpg)
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Fish Haven Fly Fishing
By Dottie Do-Good
Mark Walters woke up at 3am to arrive early enough to claim his lucky spot along Fish Haven Creek; a spot he has been successfully fishing for the past 10 years. As a 3 time winner of Fish Haven's Annual Fly Fishing Competition, experience has taught him which spots produce results. Last year's competition was delayed due to drought. There was concern that with the pandemic the competition would be cancelled. Terry Abram, a competitor commented, "We're not worried about COVID. When were out fishing were spread out enough to keep to those social distancing rules." Competition judges have said that with COVID 19 weigh ins and winning ceremonies will be slightly different but overal the impact will be minimal. The competition runs through this weekend. Winners will be announced Sunday.
![Map of Preston](images/fishhavenMap.jpg)
Rain or Shine USA
1234 Weather Ln
Fish Haven, ID 83263
☎ 999-999-9999