Soda Springs, Idaho

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School Closures Extended

By Dottie Do-Good

Soda Springs High School empty classroom. Dr Molly Stein, superintendent of the Soda Springs school district, announced Friday the district's plan for schools reopening in the Fall. As COVID 19 continues to spread and case numbers rise in Idaho; the governor asked all districts to revise plans for reopening. Last month Dr Stein assembled a committee task force made up of administrators, parents, teachers and students to lead the discussion and plan for schools reopening. "The decision has been made to begin the school year with distance learning. Returning to school will happen in phases as this pandemic plays out" says Bert Bowen, a committee member and parent.

Map of Soda Springs, Idaho

Rain or Shine USA

map of city 1234 Weather Ln

Soda Springs, ID 83276

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